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Chisel for Hydraulic Breaker Cases for Compensation and Scope of Compensation

Cases which can be compensated for

If full snapping breaks occur in the shank and the middle part of the body due to manufacturing causes within one week from the start of use.

We cannot compensate in the following cases.


When a step break occurs in the middle part of the body

If the fracture surface has raised irregularities and the fractured surface is inclined to the left or right, it is deemed that an unreasonable force from the lateral direction would have been applied even though the chisel was strong so we cannot take responsibility for that.


When a chip occurs

The cause is thought to be that the round bush and the chisel holder bush were used with friction, and the clearance with the chisel was excessive.


If there is a chip or a break when the total length has been shortened through rubbing by 50 mm or more for those with a moile point (P) and flat chisel (FX) and 30 mm or more with the flat end chisel (FE) compared to the initial length of the chisel.


If there has been quenching regeneration correction and welding regeneration repair of the chisel


If there is a settlement or abnormal friction at the tip of the chisel
When the object to be chiselled is very hard, or it seems that it has been hit continuously for a long time at the same place.